Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Sorting through some SD and micro cards a few days ago, I came across some photos that I had taken of Edinburgh Castle in 2009. (apologies for the quality, these were taken with a Nokia Navigator 2 MP camera phone). Myself and a few mates traveled over to Scotland...
King Johns Castle Carlingford

King Johns Castle Carlingford

Now with Mayo Gaa football finished for 2013 its time I put up a few photos that I have taken from around the country, travelling to Mayo match’s. Last March we traveled to Newry to play Down in the 4th round of the national football league ( Down won 0-13 to...

Annual Siamsa Sraide in Swinford

We had the annual Siamsa Sraide street festival here in Swinford last week. I was busy as usual with Swinford Tidy Towns but I did manage to get some photos of busking day on the Wednesday which I will upload later. I only managed to get some video clips and missed...